
Monday, April 23, 2007

Part 11 - Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above

Page 1 – In the middle of the page, I was thinking we see an airplane coming at us, with the fight visible in the cockpit. It can almost be tearing through the page, with panels appearing where it cuts through the paper. There should be smoke pouring out of the back of the plane and it can be on an angle so it really looks like it’s ready to crash at any minute.

In the panels, here’s what we see:

Panel 1 – Robot’s face, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Robot: Do you even think?

Panel 2 – Destroyer is swarmed by zombies as he yells back.

Destroyer: Yes, I think we’re in fucking trouble.

Panel 3 – Balder is kicking a zombie away as he struggles to reach the controls.

Panel 4 – Tight shot of his hands on the controls.

Page 2

Panel 1 – A shot from inside the plane, with zombies flying down the main cabin and slamming into the walls and seats.

Panel 2 – In front of Balder as he pulls the controls up, trying to get the plane leveled out. He is covered in sweat and looks scared shitless. His eyes are almost bugged out. A zombie hand is on his shoulder as one is sneaking up on him.

Zombie: Brains!

Panel 3 – Destroyer grabs the zombie that was near Balder and rips his head clean off, showering the entire cabin with blood and gore.

Destroyer: I got this.

Panel 4 – Robot’s face is covered with blood. He’s completely lost it.

Robot: Well, I hope you’re happy. There’s no saving this plane.

Panel 5 – The plane instruments are zoomed in and we can see the plane is about to go nose first, hard and fast.

Robot: We’re about to go nose down hard.

Page 3

Panel 1 – Destroyer is putting his entire arm through two zombies’ faces and lifting them off the ground. Again, there is blood everywhere, on everything and everybody.

Destroyer: That shouldn’t be anything new for you, Liberace Bot 2000.

Panel 2 – Robot and Destroyer going face to face, shouting at each other. At the same time Destroyer is putting his fingers through the eyes of a zombie, Three Stooges style, and Robot is firing energy beams out of his hands.

Robot: You do realize you’ve probably killed all of us, including this reality’s last hope?

Destroyer: Why don’t you do something useful and transform into something cooler?

Robot: I’ve told you a million times, not all robots can transf…

Destroyer: You’d probably turn into something like a gun so you can just float there and someone else has to fire you. Complete and total gayness.

Panel 3 – The plane goes completely vertical with smoking everywhere and both wings breaking off.

Robot: Do you realize that your entire knowledge of robots comes from cartoons and bad movies?

Destroyer: Whatever, Johnny Sucko.

Panel 4 – The sudden downward motion pushes all of the zombies on the plane toward the cabin at a high rate of speed. We see them falling down the hallway toward our heroes.

WORD BALLOON (off camera)
Balder: Um, guys…

Panel 5 – Destroyer blocks the door with his body as every zombie on the plane crawls around him. Robot and Balder are fighting them off as he blocks everything.

Destroyer: I got it! I got it!

Page 4

Panel 1 – Balder’s face is totally freaked out as he points to the window. He’s pointing at the window and unable to speak.

Panel 2 – Destroyer is struggling to hold all of the zombies back.

Destroyer: Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Look! Look!

Panel 3 – Robot’s head spins to see what is happening and reacts in complete anger.

Robot: I’m trying to…oh that’s just fucking wonderful.

Panel 4 – A long shot where it’s easy to tell that the plane is about 500 feet from crashing nose first into the ocean. Obviously, our crew is fucked.

Page 5

Panel 1 – A nice, big, gory panel (as we haven’t had enough of those yet, have we?) with zombies eating their way through Destroyer’s stomach and pouring into the panel. Intestines, organs, zombies eating, just go nuts.

Destroyer: Oh what the fuck! ARRRRRRGHHHH!

Panel 2 – A bemused expression on Robot’s face.

Robot: Wow, I totally did not see that coming.

Panel 3 – Balder is screaming at both of them as he sits in the pilot seat. He looks angry and afraid at the same time.

Balder: Your friend just died and you aren’t even…

Panel 4 – We see the plane crash into the ocean from the outside, zombies flying into the air and just destruction all over this panel. I’ll come up with an appropriately witty sound effect.

Page 6


Panel 1 – A government office, with medals all over the walls. We just see a desk and monitor with someone behind it, but we can’t see them. The person is obviously on the phone and talking to someone.

Man on phone: Yes, sir. Understood. Yes…had experience with…no, I don’t know where he is. Yes. I know. Always been a problem.

Panel 2 – We move in closer on the desk and start to reveal the man behind it.

Man on phone: I’ve already taken the liberty of assembling a task force to quell... What? Forgive me for disagreeing, but…

Panel 3 – We see the front of the man’s desk. His nameplate reads General Chaswinski.

Man on phone: No, sir. Yes, the government doesn’t pay me to question the most powerful man in the galaxy. Goodbye, sir.

Panel 4 – Close up on a huge chainsaw with a gun handle on it. The man on the phone has his hand in the grip, ready to use it. We can see the hint of large black tattoos on his wrist.

Man on phone: Fucking superhuman pricks.

Page 7

Panel 1 – Large panel with plane wreckage rising above the water. We see Balder’s head above the waves and he is holding onto a seat. I see this page as one big panel and six small panels beneath it.

Balder: Hello? Anyone?

Panel 2 – Small conversation panels. Robot’s head popping up.

Robot: Hey.

Panel 3 – Balder, up close and speaking to Robot.

Balder: I can’t believe that we survived that.

WORD BALLOON (off camera)
Destroyer: Marco.

Panel 4 – Robot replying.

Robot: You get used to it. Sadly.

WORD BALLOON (off camera)
Destroyer: Marco!

Panel 5 – Balder looking upset.

Balder: I’m sorry about your friend. Did you hear…

WORD BALLOON (off camera)
Destroyer: MARCO!

Panel 6 – Robot laughing.

Robot: If only he were so easy to kill.

Panel 7 – Destroyer is drinking airplane mini-bottles, trying to grow back pieces of himself that were eaten.


Page 8

Panel 1 – Destroyer dunks Robot’s head in the ocean. Balder is looking on in shock at the weirdness that is going on, like he can’t believe that this is his life.

Destroyer: You wanna play?

Panel 2 – Balder is speaking to Destroyer.

Balder: How are you even alive?

Panel 3 – Robot is underwater fuming. We’ll show his anger meeting here and see him swimming up. We’ll also show boxes that say INITIATE: DEEP SEA ATTACK MODE and ALERT.

Panel 4 – Robot POV of a computer readout with zombies swimming at them in every direction.

Page 9

Splash page – With zombies rising, heads above waters and our heroes fighting them. They care all holding onto pieces of wreckage and barely floating above the waves. Destroyer can be swinging a ripped off piece of jagged metal, Robot using lasers out of his hands, Balder kicking away at a bunch of zombies crawling onto his floating piece of the airplane. Just go crazy here!

Page 10

Several small panels of sharks coming closer. We just see the fins of the sharks, then we see the wreckage and our heroes get larger as the sharks get closer and closer.

Medium reaction panel of Robot, looking incredulous.

Robot: Well, just when you think you’ve seen it all…

Page 11

Large panel of zombie-fied shark, with chunks bitten out of them and zombies riding on them like horses. They are jumping right at our heroes, teeth gnashing. The zombies on them are leaping with their fists high in the air, like evil knights on horseback.

Multiple panels of Destroyer jumping up out of the water, onto wreckage and launching himself onto a shark, pushing the rider off of it. He rides the shark downward into the water, eating multiple zombies and spraying the water with blood. Intersperse the other guys fighting off the zombies and sharks.

Page 12

Four small panels – gradually each gets progressively darker, with each of our three characters being shown fighting, tight on their faces. In the last of the four panels, let’s show all three and a gigantic shadow rising above them.

Large panel – The big reveal – let’s really show off Azrael here – his full form and not hidden as in the Valhalla chapter – just fill the sky with him and his four faces – lion, serpent, man and hawk. Each of these heads looks insane and is screaming. The rest of his body should be eyes and tongues. His gigantic black shadow like tentacles are coming close to our heroes, as they stare up at this creature.

Death King: I have followed you across untold worlds and innumerable dimensions. This time, there will be no running. No last escape. And you, Balder, I thought I had claimed you once before…but now, this will be your final death. Prepare for the coming of oblivion.

Part 10 - Major Label Debut

Page 1 – I see this as a series of small panels as we start this part off humdrum and gradually get bigger and crazier with each page.

However you’d like to lay out the panels, but here’s what I see on the first page:

Balder, in his human form, which should not look as heroic as he will later, but should still have some of the look. Maybe he’s slightly larger than a normal person, still pretty good looking. He’s getting dropped off by a taxi, struggling to get all of his luggage on to a plane, sitting down on the plane, trying in vain to get a stewardesses’ attention, sitting back in his seat, the plane is taking off, and falling asleep. The last panel on the page should be black to symbolize that he’s falling asleep. Maybe even do a short multipanel drowsy sequence? If you feel that this is too much for a page, you can expand it a bit. I just want to set the scene and show that this is a normal day in someone’s life

Page 2 – This page is going to visually show the idea of waking up to a nightmare. Maybe the first panel, a small one, is black, with the idea that it’s a point of view shot and the viewer is still asleep. The second should be a shot of total horror – the inside of an airplane cabin with total gore happening inside it. Guts all over the food cart, blood all over the windows, zombies eating stewardesses, just go wild. The third panel should be black, again, to show that the person is blinking. My thought is that it’d be cool to do no narration, just present it as it happens. The final big panel on the bottom of the page should be Balder, still in human form, buckled in his chair with a zombie buckled in next to him.

Page 3 – Horizontal panel – The zombie next to Balder is screaming and trying to eat him. It’s lunging at him as he recoils in horror.

Small action panels – Balder taking off his seatbelt, standing up, and trying to run down the aisle.

Horizontal panel – but the aisle is blocked by a horde of zombies. At this point, he is realizing that he may be the only person left alive, so he should look really worried.

Page 4 – Treat this is a 6 panel grid page. However you want to break it down, Balder is fighting his way down the aisle. He kicks a zombie in the face. Another one is coming at him with the beverage cart. Turbulence shoves the drink cart backwards away from him as he ducks into a seat. The zombie with the cart is smashed and explodes in a sea of blood.

Page 5 – I see this as a 4 panel grid. As Balder is near the seat, he looks down and sees a baby. Thinking that he will rescue it, he picks it up and realizes that it’s a zombie baby.

Page 6 –The baby lunges at Balder as he holds it and he throws it as hard as he can. He starts running from the cockpit, punching zombies along the way. Again, lots of panels here, just to show the frenzy of Balder trying to escape the zombies. Try and treat this as claustrophobically as you can. Last panel, Balder has entered the cockpit and has his back to the door, breathing hard.

Page 7 – A big reveal panel that shows the pilot and copilot have become zombies as well. They come at Balder and he is frozen. He looks completely scared shitless, so maybe leave some space for some word balloons of him screaming. Close-up panel of the faces of the zombies (maybe a couple of panels of them slowly zooming in).

Page 8 – A big horizontal panel of Balder still frozen in fear, but the zombies now are headless and blood is spraying everywhere. Close-up panel of Balder, eyes closed, praying. Reveal of Robot and Destroyer. Destroyer’s hands are all bloody and he’s nudging Robot.

Destroyer: You think he’s praying to himself?

Page 9 – Let the panels get a bit bigger her to show that the danger, for now, has passed. Robot looks angry at Destroyer, who has somehow gotten blood all over everyone and the cockpit. Show a reaction shot of Balder’s face, smeared with blood. Robot and Destroyer are talking to Balder.

Robot: I apologize for my somewhat overexcited friend here. That’s the Destroyer. You can call me…

Destroyer: Enough, Chatty Cathy. Are you sure this is the right guy?

Page 10 – 4 panel grid.

Panel 1 – Balder looks freaked out. He’s still covered in blood.

Balder: The right guy?

Panel 2 – Robot puts his hand on his shoulder, trying to break it to him gently.

Robot: Well, let’s just say that we have a very strong belief that you may be more than you think you are.

Panel 3 – Balder looks completely out of it now.

Balder: I sell pet products, like, human snacks for dogs. I’m pretty normal.

Panel 4 – Robot shakes his head. He looks like he is trying to explain and be earnest.

Robot: Well, no matter what, I think there’s no hope of things being normal for quite some time.

Page 11

Large horizontal panel, with Destroyer screaming and breaking into the conversation. In the background, we can see zombies breaking into the cockpit.

Destroyer: Can we just figure out how the fuck to turn him into a god before we fucking die?

Robot: I was getting to that. You can’t just…

Destroyer: Do you see what’s going on…

Robot: This is the kind of thing that can totally disrupt someone’s belief system. You need to take it slow, asshole.

Balder: Wha?

Small panel – Robot is trying to talk.

Robot – Well, now that someone ruined everything…

Small panel – The zombies break through into the cockpit.

Zombies: Brains!

Page 12 – 6 panel grid

Robot screams at the zombies.

Robot: You fucking assholes!

Over the next 2-3 panels, Destroyer and Robot are trying to keep the zombies out of the cockpit. This should be really tight and claustrophobic.

Destroyer: Mother of fucking…

Balder: You guys have a plan to get out of here, right?

A zombie is thrown by Destroyer into the controls. The next few panels should be all over the place, like the plane is being shaken up and thrown.

Last panel – We see the plane from the outside. Maybe we can see some of the fight going on inside it.

Robot: We did until some asshole broke the fucking plane.

Part 9 – When We Is Thrown Away

Page 1
Splash panel: Robot and Destroyer are jumping through the doorway. It appears that they are jumping toward the viewer, maybe even through the borders of the panel. Behind them, we can see the destroyed city from the last issue. Robot looks relatively calm, but Destroyer looks freaked out.

Destroyer: Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Page 2
Split into three panels
Panel 1: As they fly through the doorway, Robot does a few flips (shown as multiple drawings of him) and lands perfectly on his feet.

Panel 2: Destroyer flies further and crashes through the bones of a gigantic snake, which is nearly 2 miles long. We can see its bones curl back across a mountain range.

Panel 3: Destroyer lands faces down, but is unhurt and already talking.

Destroyer: What the fuck was that giant snake thing…AHHHHHH!

Page 3
Small panel: A skeleton wearing armor covered in runes, holding a gigantic hammer. This would be Thor, so however you see his armor and his look, here would be where to use it. Just keep in mind that he is a skeleton.

Medium panel: Destroyer jumps to his feet. He looks kind of shocked. All around them is fog and mists, obscuring some of the battleground. We can see numerous skeletons of trolls, gods, and monsters.

Destroyer: And what the fuck is that?

Reaction panel: Robot is answering Destroyer with a somewhat upset look on his face.

Robot: That would be Thor.

Reaction panel: Destroyer is screaming back at Robot.

Destroyer: And weren’t we counting on Thor to help us?

Page 4
Medium panel: Robot is pulling cords out of a slot on his arm and assembling a tracking device while he talks.

Robot: Yes, we were. But that skeleton you crashed through while you were whining like a small child was the Midgard Serpent, which means that Ragnarok seems to have occurred already, which makes no sense.

Reaction panel: Destroyer is sitting down in the mists, playing with one of the Serpent’s giant ribs.

Destroyer: Ragnaroo? I thought this was Mount Olympus.

Medium panel: Robot almost has his device assembled. It looks like a small satellite dish with several cords that plug into his arm and chest. One cord is in his hand and has a small blade at the end of it.

Robot: Weren’t you listening to me? The gods of all cultures have all gone back to their true forms. And this is where Ragnarok happens or happened. The fall of the gods. The end of time. Which, strangely, didn’t end.

Small panel: Robot takes the bladed cord and stabs it in the arm of Destroyer.

Robot: Hmm. You may feel a pinch.

Destroyer: Ah! Fucking stick of fuck! What is that thing?!?

Page 5
Vertical panel down one side of page: Robot working device as Destroyer rubs his arm, which is dripping blood and looks very painful.

Robot: This is a crystalometer. It uses your blood to create a constant state of divination, like how the oracles used pools of water. And seeing as how your blood is more powerful than water, we should be able to see what happened here. Hmm, that’s odd.

Destroyer: What’s odd is that you just stabbed me, asshole!

3 small panels down the other side

Small panel 1: Robot is speaking as he plays with his device.

Robot: Your blood is a lot like ichor, the blood of the gods, so this will be easier than I thought.

Small panel 2: Destroyer is screaming, which leads to more blood pumping out of his arm. He has spit flying out of his mouth as he yells.

Destroyer: Ichor, huh? Wow, that’s so fucking fascinating! Take that thing out of my arm!

Small panel 3: Robot is looking down at the controls. He looks like he doesn’t want to even be bothered by Destroyer’s loud screaming.

Robot: One, quit talking. And two, open your mouth real wide.

Page 6
I’m seeing a wide horizontal pattern at the top and maybe 6 panels, smaller grid panels, making up the bottom of the page.

Panel 1: Destroyer is throwing both of his arms out as his body is overtaken with energy and a beam of light shoots out of his mouth. He looks almost possessed. The beam of light is shooting out into space.

Destroyer: GAH!

Panel 2: Robot looking rather pleased with himself.

Robot: I wasn’t sure that would work.

Panel 3: Destroyer is trying to talk and straining.

Destroyer: Th-thanks for telling m-m-me…

Panel 4: Robot yelling back at him.

Robot: Now kindly shut the fuck up so we can see what’s going on.

Panel 5: Destroyer is opening his mouth as we see the light shoot out onto the side of a rock wall.

Panel 6: Eggther is playing his harp as he sits on top of a mound of graves, with many body parts sticking out of it. He has a grim smile on his face. Around him, three roosters are crowing.

The end of the gods all begins with the death of Balder.

Panel 7: Image of Balder in combat. Not sure if this is how Balder will look in the stories. Maybe facially, but we can update him for modern times once he finally makes his appearance.

Odin’s son, he was impervious to all injury as all of creation had pledged not to harm him.

Page 7
I’m thinking this needs to be a 9 panel Keith Giffen-like grid to get all of this info in. Your call – we can discuss.

Panel 1 – Many gods and goddesses throwing fire, electricity, energy at Balder as they all laugh.

In fact, at celebrations, they would throw weapons at him for sport.

Panel 2 – A shot of Loki, god of mischief, holding a piece of mistletoe. He should appear very handsome, yet thin. Almost a mix between a man and a woman.

Except for the insignificant plant mistletoe, Balder could not be harmed.

Panel 3 – Loki tricking Hoor into shooting Balder. Here is the classic image of it:

Loki, the fire spirit, tricked Hoor into shooting Balder with an arrow made of it.

Panel 4 – Balder collapses as everyone panics around him. Blood sprays unnaturally from the arrow piercing him, like an anime arterial blood spray.

The unkillable god was slayed.

Panel 5: Destroyer talking. Light is coming out of his eyes and mouth and his talking is stopping the images from coming up.

Destroyer: Mistletoe? Mythology is fucked up. What did they do, kiss him to death?

Panel 6 – Robot is yelling at Destroyer. He looks completely enraged.

Shut your mouth so we don’t lose the connection, you fuck!

Panel 7: Hringhorni, Balder’s gigantic sea ship is floating in space and aflame as his body is burned on it.

The gods knew this was the beginning of the end.

Panel 8: Nanna, Balder’s wife, jumps into the flames. She should have on Kirby women like gear – a dress with shoulder pads and a headpiece maybe. She is just starting to burn.

But they also knew that they were powerless to stop it.

Panel 9: Many crying gods. In the front, Thor has his head down and is holding Mjollnir. Cavorting and jumping in front of him is the troll Lit.

Such was the way of the gods.

Page 8
Large horizontal panel – Gods standing in the snow as they watch the rainbow bridge to Earth explodes and falls as the fire giants, led by Surtr and Garm the hellhound, cross it. It should almost look like a completely blizzard. Their breath is making smoke as indescribably cold.

Surtr is a gigantic man who has fire trail behind him. He holds the Sword of Revenge, a flaming sword.

Garm is a gigantic wolf dog that guards hell. He should appear rabid and ready to strike and would tower over any human.

Fimbulwinter came, three seasons of cold that destroyed their world. And the fire giants followed in its wake.

Three small panels down the left side of the page.

Panel 1 – Heimdall, a bearded man wearing armor, is blowing a giant horn. Here are a few images I’ve found of him:

I think he should be a little bigger than in those illustrations, somewhat bulkier, and look wistfully sad that the end of time is here and he must sound the horn that signals Ragnarok.

Heimdall, of the nine mothers (who could hear grass grow and was destined to be the last god to die fighting Loki) sounded Giallar to signal the end was here.

Panel 2 – Odin is riding Sleipnir through the cold fog toward the enemy. We can see their weapons in shadow as he rides toward them.

Odin should be much larger than any normal man. I see him as having a long beard and really long white hair. His helmet covers his missing eye. He can really have as much of a crazy Japanese armored look as you’d like to go with. He rides Sleipnir, who has eight legs. The horse’s saddle should have runes and armor covering it.

Odin rode straight for the monstrous wolf Fenrir…

Panel 3 – Fenrir, a gigantic wolf that dwarfs the gods. He is probably 6-700 feet tall, more like a dragon in size. He is rabid and snarling.

Loki’s son, whose upper jaw touched the sky and lower scraped the ground.

Page 9
4 panel grid

Panel 1 – Thor jumps onto Jörmungandr, the Midgard serpent, hammering it with Mjollnir as it twists around him.

His son Thor at his side battling Jörmungandr…

Panel 2 – Jörmungandr falls, covered with blood and gore.

Panel 3 – As does Thor, trying to hold himself up with Mjollnir.

Panel 4 – Odin screams in absolute anguish, distraught over being unable to stop destiny and his son dying.

To the death.

Page 10
Splash page – A gigantic black angel rises from the ground. It has four faces and four thousand wings (don’t worry, you don’t have to draw them all). One face is a lion, another a serpent, another a man, and the final is a hawk. His entire body consists of eyes and tongues. He has gigantic black shadow like tentacles that have spread all over Valhalla, choking Odin, tearing Fenrir into pieces, pulling Surtr’s sword out of his hands and extinguishing it. Each of the heads is screaming and gods and giants alike are attempting to stop it.

CAPTION (Spread throughout the splash)
This isn’t…

What the fuck is that thing?

Remember how I said Death King may have been an angel?

That’s an angel?

He was still too weak when we battled him before. I can’t believe we walked away from it.

You’re babbling!

This is Azrael – God’s venom. The fallen angel of death. He was just hiding as the Death King.

Page 11
Six panel grid

Panel 1 – Robot is speaking. He looks really freaked out by what he has just seen.

Robot: Look, the fall of the gods has been prophesized since the beginning. And now…they’re just gone.

Panel 2 – Robot and Destroyer are watching the gods die as Robot continues to talk. Behind them, we see a darkness growing.

Robot: This is not good. I was right…he is trying to bring about Armageddon.

Panel 3 – Robot continues to speak while Destroyer begins to notice the gigantic shadow tentacles curling up behind them. He still has energy pouring out of him.

Robot: Our only hope is that Azrael doesn’t realize that Ragnarok isn’t the end of the gods. It’s just the end of a cycle…

Destroyer: Um, bigger problem…

Panel 4- – Robot is angry at being interrupted. The background is almost completely black.

Robot: Look, I’m trying to save the world here. I’d appreciate some quiet time.

Panel 5 – The shadow tentacles have started to cover Destroyer’s mouth. He is struggling and fighting to free himself.

Destroyer: Mmmmmph!

Panel 6 – Robot looks happy that he has figured it all out.

Robot: C’mon, pull that thing out of your arm. We have to find Balder.

Page 12
4 panel grid. Each panel grows more and more blacked out by the tentacles of Azrael.

Panel 1 – Robot is inputting codes into his arm and opening a doorway. He is growing impatient. He is turning his head and the second time lapse face we see is shocked.

Robot: Would you just…

Panel 2- – Destroyer is battling against the tentacles. He has torn some of them apart, but many more are curling around him.

Panel 3 – Robot is running to save Destroyer.

Panel 4 – This panel is completely black as the tentacles have obliterated all the light.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Here's where we're at.

24 pages, inked, word ballooned, ready to print out of 48.

5 pages of the next part drawn and dialogued.

As you can see, written up until the second issue.

We're getting there.

Adventures of the World’s Angriest Robot part 8 - For Tonight, You're Only Here to Know

Page 1
Splash panel: Robot and Destroyer running down the steps of the front porch. Destroyer looks giddy and excited, almost like a kid on Christmas morning. Robot has a golf bag over his shoulder, filled with golf clubs, bats, several guns, swords, just go crazy with weapons. He is handing a bat to Destroyer.

DESTROYER: Let me get this right. I have to sacrifice a whole bunch of zombies to the gods?

ROBOT: Pretty much.

DESTROYER: That’s kind of against my religion.

ROBOT: Let me put it this way. You’re going to get the chance to kill hundreds, maybe thousands, of zombies in every way you have ever dreamed of killing them.

Zoom in panel: Robot’s hand-off of the bat to Destroyer.

DESTROYER: You talked me into it. Now hand me that fucking bat.

Page 2
Panel 1: Destroyer is in a baseball stance, wiggling the bat and getting ready to swing as we see Robot behind him.

ROBOT: And what religion are you, anyway?

Panel 2: Destroyer is swinging as hard as he can, which is pretty hard, and is really concentrating. He is knocking the head of a zombie off with blood spraying everywhere.

DESTROYER: You know I was raised Catholic.

Panel 3: A really long, skinny panel. I see this one between the first two, in the center of the page. It should show the house and stick figures of Robot, Destroyer, and zombies. We should see the head flying very fast and very far.

DESTROYER: I would like to go to a church where they let you speak in tongues and handle snakes.

ZOMBIE: Hargggggggggggg!

Panel 4: Robot is screaming at Destroyer so that he remembers to dedicate his sacrifice to the gods.

ROBOT: Yes, because it really makes sense from a faith perspective to allow venomous snakes to bit you. Now dedicate your kill, asshole!

Panel 5: Destroyer yelling back as he hits another zombie on the top of the head, causing it’s eyeballs to explode and brains to come out of his mouth.

DESTROYER: Zeus, this zombie’s death is for your glory. Happy? And who are you to tell me how to celebrate my special relationship with the Creator?

Page 3
Panel 1: Destroyer is lifting the bat between another zombie’s legs, destroying its balls. He looks as happy as he ever has in his entire life.

DESTROYER: I destroy your balls for Zeus!

Panel 2: Destroyer yelling for a golf club. The zombie has dropped down to all fours and is throwing up blood.

DESTROYER: Hey, this is fun! Throw me a golf club.

Panel 3: Robot looking embarrassed as he tosses Destroyer a 9 iron.

Panel 4: Destroyer preparing a golf swing.

DESTROYER: Hallowed Zeus, do you love golf as much as I do?

Panel 5: Giant swing, like a hockey slap shot, as the head flies at us, screaming and mouth spraying blood.

DESTROYER: Because that one is for you, big guy.

ZOMBIE: Bwwwwwwaaaaa!

Panel 6: Robot watching the head goes off into the distance.

ROBOT: I see you overcame your religious issues pretty quickly. Nice distance.

Page 4
Panel 1: Robot is revving a chainsaw. Destroyer is looking back at him. They are about five feet apart.

DESTROYER: Throw me that thing.

ROBOT: I’ll just hand it to you.

DESTROYER: Just throw it, you fuck!


Panel 2: Robot tosses the chainsaw to Destroyer.

Panel 3: Who, of course, misses it and it cuts off his right hand, spraying blood everywhere.

SFX: Zzzzzzt!

DESTROYER: AARRRH! You did that on fucking purpose!

Panel 4: Robot throws a beer to Destroyer.

ROBOT: Think fast, asshole!

Panel 5: The beer bounces off of Destroyer’s mask as he tries to catch it with his bloody stump.


DESTROYER: What the…

Page 5
Multiple small action panels: Destroyer opens the beer with his good hand. It foams and explodes, right in a zombie’s face. As he drinks the beer, he picks up the chainsaw and severs the zombie’s head.

2 larger panels on the bottom

Panel 1: Destroyer yelling to Robot as he throws the chainsaw right through a zombie’s head, splitting it in half, with brains and gore going everywhere. We can see Destroyer’s hand growing back slowly over the next few panels.

DESTROYER: That one is, again, for Zeus. Hey, Doltron, are you just going to sit there?

Panel 2: Robot is throwing a grenade launcher to Destroyer.

ROBOT: I don’t have a soul, so I can’t make sacrifices. Catch this, if you can.

Page 6
Panel 1: Tall, skinny panel that shows a ton of zombies coming across the field toward Robot’s house. Smaller figures of Robot and Destroyer, as well as the dead bodies of zombies all around them.

DESTROYER: Zeus, for all you do…

Panel 2: Heroic action shot of Destroyer firing a bunch of grenades.

DESTROYER: these blown-up real good zombies are for you.

Multiple panels: Many zombies exploding. Heads, arms, legs, bodies – whatever dreams you have ever had of illustrating zombies dying from grenades, use them here and go wild.

Page 7
Panel 1: Zombies in various states of smoking, flaming death are staggering around as Robot and Destroyer run down the steps toward a car.

ROBOT: Let’s find more of these to kill.

DESTROYER: Not that I’m complaining, but when is enough death enough?

ROBOT: You’ll know when you find out.

Panel 2: Robot holds up the keys to the car.

ROBOT: And to be nice, you can even drive. Promise me this won’t end up like last time.

Panel 3: Destroyer looking innocent, but he is covered in blood and gore.

DESTROYER: I swear that it will not end up like last time.

Panel 4: The car zooms out at high speed. Robot looks concerned. He has his seatbelt on, but obviously, Destroyer doesn’t. As they are pulling out, they hit a zombie and he is sprayed all over the front of the car.

Page 8
Panel 1: Inside the car, we see Destroyer driving and Robot yelling. The windshield is completely blocked with blood and gore.

ROBOT: This is going to be exactly like last time!

Panel 2: Same panel, but now the wipers have cleaned some of the blood.

DESTROYER: Didn’t I fucking promise you?

Panel 3: The car runs right over a zombie, spraying more gore everywhere.

DESTROYER: Zeus, I hope you enjoyed that, because my friend is worried about his car, so that was the last one I’ll hit with this fine automobile.

Panel 4: Destroyer talking as he drives. This needs to be a bigger panel to accommodate all of the dialogue. We see this through Robot’s POV.

DESTROYER: Why are we fighting zombies all the time now? Do you remember when ninjas were hot? I hated that shit. Always getting stabbed with arrows and swords. Ridiculous. Now, ninja zombies. That would fucking suck.


Page 9
Panel 1: The car is pulling up to a major downtown area. We can see zombies everywhere, all around the car, as they are destroying and milling about many landmarks, like a fake Starbucks, McDonald’s, a movie theater, etc. A helicopter can be seen in the skyline.

A few miles and many f-bombs later…

DESTROYER: I’ve always wanted to do this!

ROBOT: Zzzz…what?!?

Panel 2: Destroyer is holding a gun and driving. He looks very proud of himself.

DESTROYER: Shoot and drive, bitch.

Panel 3: Robot is trying to stop him.

ROBOT: Do you not understand physics? Ballistics? No!

Small panel 4-6: First panel is heroic, with Destroyer firing the gun. In the next, he realizes that something is wrong. In the next, I want to convey that shooting the gun has made his arm fly backwards and affected his driving. Obviously, firing a gun with major kick can do that (like, let’s say, a Ruger Superblackhawk). This is my commentary on people always firing guns while they drive in movies and comics. I hate that shit!


Small panel 7: The car swerves and wrecks right into the Starbucks.


Page 10
Panel 1: The zombies are all staring into the smoking husk of the Starbucks. A car tire is on the ground and smoke is everywhere.

Small panel in between these panels: The helicopter, with a cameraman hanging out of it.

Panel 2: Similar panel, but with Robot and Destroyer jumping out of the hole in the side of the building. Destroyer looks happy as hell to be where he is, Robot looks pissed off.

Destroyer: Everyone one of you zombie fucks is dead and it’s all for the number one god up there on Mount Olympus, my man Zeus!

Page 11
Panel 1: A TV monitor on a satellite that looks suspiciously like the old 70s JLA era. There are numerous versions of Ultiman walking around (like the Superman robots in the Fortress of Solitude). We only see them from afar, not in focus, to set up the big reveal in panel 4. On the TV is Destroyer ripping off a zombie’s head with his bare hands.

TV: …where downtown, we see what appears to be former Super Police member The Destroyer viciously assaulting several undead people…

Panel 2: We zoom in tighter into the monitor, where we see Destroyer using two cars to smash a zombie’s head.

TV: We urge our more sensitive viewers to look away from this scene.

Panel 3: And in the final monitor shot, Destroyer has multiple zombies’ heads inside a car door and is repeatedly slamming the door shut, spaying himself with a fountain of blood.

TV: I think I can read his lips. It looks like, you fucking pud…oh, sorry, we’re on network? Oh Jesus, my career…

Panel 4: Large panel, revealing Ultiman. He looks as pissed off as a person can ever get. He is crunching his fingers into the arms of his throne as he sits and watches the monitor. The many identical robots around him all look very concerned.

ULTIMAN: Those are…were…human beings. That…that…thing. I’ve let him go for now. But this…this is…this is intolerable.

Page 12
Panel 1: Large panel of Robot and Destroyer on top of a giant skyscraper. There are zombies coming out of a stairwell behind them, the helicopter overhead, and zombies climbing up the building as they form a giant undead human tower. Destroyer is kicking a zombie off of the skyscraper as Robot is holding a zombie above his head.

Even more F-bombs and gratuitous gore later…

DESTROYER: Zeus, I swear, this is the last one…

Panel 2: Robot and Destroyer start running across the rooftop as zombies begin to spill over from every side, overtaking the roof. Robot is looking at a readout on his wrist.

ROBOT: I didn’t think it would take so long. But, seeing as how they are undead, I can understand why. Oh, get ready to jump off the roof.

DESTROYER: Jump off the roof?

Panel 3: Robot grabs Destroyer and leaps off of the roof as zombies try to claw at them. They are floating in the air thousands of feet above the ground.


Panel 4: A doorway in space and time opens with light shining all around it, right in front of them.

Panel 5: The door closes and they disappear as zombies leap off the roof to catch them.

End of Part 8

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Adventures of the World’s Angriest Robot part 7 - To Here Knows When

Page 1
Panel of Robot and Destroyer walking out of the living room. Robot is getting ready to explain what is really going on. Destroyer should look really confused.

Destroyer: Olympus sure looks a lot like your living room. Did you model it on how the gods lived?

Robot: Idiot Lad, we’re still in my living room. I figured you’d need more beer. And you definitely need a history lesson on the gods before we get started.

Large splash fills the rest of the page, with the Earth in the background as a battle between angels is occurring, with a lot of gore and bloodshed. Just go crazy, real war in heaven kind of stuff here. If you want to make some of the angels look animal like in nature or have animal heads, go for it. Just try and vary them up and have a lot of fun drawing them. Maybe some are blowing horns, others have banners, others even have floating cannons.

At one point, there was a gigantic war in heaven. Satan, tired of his role under his Creator, led an army of angels against the very fabric of reality itself. Either that, or some angels refused to be subservient to mankind. Either way, a doomed battle was lost that led to his followers...

Going to hell?

Page 2

Panel 1
Panel across the page, horizontal, with the angel’s wings being torn as they fall from the sky, with many of them on fire.

No, they were cursed to walk the Earth until the end of time.

6 panels, showing various fallen angels in the forms they took. These can look like tarot cards and be really illustrative, almost art deco.

Panel 1: Astaroth, a nude man with the hands, feet, and wings of a dragon. He also has a second pair of feathered wings, a crown and holds a serpent. He is riding a giant wolf. He should be attractive, but not too buff. Draw four demons with him to symbolize the four dukes of Hell under his leadership.

Caption: Astaroth became a leader of demons. For some reason, he also taught the world math and invisibility.

Panel 2: Asmodeus, a bald, incredibly handsome man who is holding Lilith, a red-haired girl with gothish features in an embrace. They should look like the most attractive people who have ever been born, perhaps even a bit like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Asmodeus should be hypermasculine to the point of almost looking like a leather man or a Tom’s of Finland illustration. Lilith should be surrounded by owls and appear to have a mixture of hate and lust in her eyes – she hates men, but needs them and their love.

Caption: Asmodeus, who would build the temple of Solomon and marry Adam’s first wife, Lilith. Together, they would give birth to demon after demon.

Panel 3: Lucifer, a man shining so brightly that we can barely make out his features. Lucifer isn’t what we normally think of, goats and pentragrams. Instead, he is God’s most beautiful creation.

Caption: Lucifer, who came to be known as Hyperion. He was the angel who made the sun shine in the morning and took it away to make the night dark.

Panel 4: Belphegor, who appears as two people: a beautiful naked woman who is young, around 16-17. The second is a gigantic monster with a beard, large horns, an enormous boner, and gigantic claws standing in front of a gigantic pile of shit and human remains. Feel free to do gore all over the dragon’s mouth as well. The girl should be as innocent and beautiful as the dragon is disgusting and vile.

Caption: Belphegor is the demon of discovery and invention. It may appear as a man or a woman, but always can be summoned by an offering of excrement.

Panel 5: Purson, a muscular man riding a bear. He has the face of a lion and carries a gigantic viper, coiled to strike, in his hand.

Caption: Purson knows how to find anything hidden, as well as possessing the ability to see the past, present, and future. He the answers to the riddle of how the world really was created.

Panel 6: Samyaza, who appears as a blonde, handsome man in traditional angel garb, surrounded by half-naked women as he sketches a picture of a tank across the back of a naked woman. He should look like a military figure, such as a Roman centurion. The half-naked women should be human, not angels.

Caption: The angel who taught mankind both art and war was Samyaza. Originally the caretaker of the throne of God, he convinced many of the Grigori, or watcher angels, to make love to human women. Which led to…

Page 3

Panel 1: Destroyer’s face, looking incredulous.

Destroyer: And yet you don’t believe in God.

Panel 2: Robot answering him.

Robot: I’m a skeptic. Anyways, the Grigori kind of went wild on Earth.

Panel 3: Many angels frolicking with human women, chasing them, the women laughing, and other angels sitting and teaching men how to write. The scene is a weird mix of learning and debauchery.

Caption: Not only did they mate with human women, but they also taught men all of the secrets of heaven that God didn’t want them to know. Like how to dye fabrics,

Panel 4: Small inset shot of Destroyer laughing.

WORD BALLOON: Hahahaha, this is all bullshit.

Panel 5: Robot inset over a panel showing an angel teaching a woman how to put on makeup. Azazel is listed in what I’ve read as both a fallen angel and a servant of God – a demon in service to God. He should be very rugged, almost looking like a woodsman. If you can, have him sitting close to a cliff to symbolize that people would throw goats off of cliffs in sacrifice to God…and Azazel would take those sacrifices to God.

Robot: I’m just going by what I’ve studied in the Book of Enoch and with some of the angels I’ve met. Azazel not only taught how to make weapons, he showed women how to make and wear cosmetics.

Panel 6: Destroyer screaming.

Destroyer: You’ve met an angel, yet still refuse to believe in God.

Page 4

Small panel 1: Robot laughing.

Robot: What can I say, I’m a really good skeptic.

Panel 2: Medium sized panel of giants fighting men. One of the men has a sling to symbolize David versus Goliath.

Caption: The grigori/human hybrids came to be known as the Nephilim. I’ve heard theories that they were the race that lived on Atlantis. And some say that they were ancient astronauts who fell to Earth.

Panel 3: Medium sized panel of the great flood, with Noah’s Ark small in the scene and the entire world drowning.

Caption: Finally, the fallen’s teachings corrupted mankind so much, several of the angels Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel asked for God to destroy the world with a great flood.

Panel 4: A giant man hiding in the floorboards of the Ark, with animals all around him.

Caption: But the fallen and Nephilim were crafty. Many survived. The odd thing is, the same flood occurs in many myths.

Panel 5 and 6: Bottom two panels on the page, each showing a different myth.

Panel 5: Gilgamesh, a large, muscular armored man with a long beard, alongside another man, Enkidu, who is shorter and covered with fine hair. He looks like a wild man. They are wrestling a gigantic bull that has angel’s wings.

Caption: Utnapishtim is the name of the flood in the epic Gilgamesh, who was another descendant of the angels and saw himself as half-man, half-god.

Panel 6: An old style map of the world. It should look ancient and decayed.

Caption: In fact, the great flood shows up in mythology from China, the Aztecs, the Irish, Germany, and the Greeks, who were quite familiar with the gods.

Page 5

Panel 1: This should take up half of the page, which shows the first Greek Gods.

Chaos: Leviathan, a giant worm-snake looking dragon who is eating his own tale as he swims across the bottom of the ocean.

Nyx (Night): A naked woman surrounded by fog and dusk.

Eros (Love): A blindfolded, winged baby with the images of a bull, a serpent, a lion, and a ram floating behind him.

Gaia (the Earth): A beautiful woman, but make sure that she is round and curvy. Not fat, but generous. Flowers in her hair, looking like a naked hippy.

Uranus (the Sky): An imposing, gigantic man with hands folded across his chest.

Leave some room around each illustration for captions.

Caption: Leviathan survived under the waves until he decided to surface and declare himself the god the Greeks came to know as Chaos. He gave birth to…

Caption: Nyx, the goddess of night.

Caption: Eros, the god of love, who played with the hearts of mortals.

Caption: Gaia, the mother goddess of Earth. She repopulated the Earth after the flood with life. And each night…

Caption: Uranus, god of sky, would cover the planet and impregnate her.

Panel 2: Second half of the page, with Uranus holding 12 screaming children in his giant hands. He’s snarling and we can see a giant caged cave behind him.

Caption: It was foretold that one of Uranus’s children would destroy him, so he hid each in a cave, never allowing Gaia to see them. He couldn’t stop his passion for her.

Page 6

Panel 1: Small panel of Gaia crying.

Caption: And she couldn’t stop her hatred for him.

Panel 2: Small panel of her making a flint sickle, still in tears.

Caption: She made the only weapon that could destroy Uranus and only one of the surviving fallen angels would do the deed.

Panel 3: Cronus, a giant, longhaired man. Lanky, but still somewhat muscular. He is holding the sickle with grim determination.

Caption: Ba’al Hammon, or Cronus, as he was now called.

Panel 4: We see Cronus castrating Uranus. Maybe we should be polite and show this from the back, with just blood spraying everywhere.

Caption: He castrated…

Caption: He cut his fucking balls off?

Caption: Yes.

Caption: Man, myths are awesome.

Caption: Philistine. And out of his severed penis crawled the goddess Aphrodite. It’s weird – sometimes, the gods were created. Other times, it was the fallen taking on a new name to make mankind worship them as affront to the Creator.

Page 7

Panel 1:

This is a good idea of the image I have in my head here. It’s Cronus eating his children so that they will not destroy him. This should be a medium sized panel, split this page into 4 panels.

Caption: Cronus was a good leader until he found out his children would overthrow him. So he ate them.

Panel 2: Cronus swallowing a wrapped up cloth that looks like a baby.

Caption: Until Zeus came along. Cronus thought he ate him, but instead, it was the Omphalos stone.

Panel 3: The stone itself, with light shining behind it.

Caption: That’s what the Nazis used to communicate with the Secret Chiefs, hoping they could ask them to win the war. What they didn’t know was that...

Panel 4: A portrait of Aleister Crowley.

Caption: after Aleister Crowley completed his fifteenth Aire, he became one of the Secret Chiefs. Luckily, he despised the Nazis, and between propaganda and mischief, he lent a left hand in the war effort.

Page 8

Panel 1: Robot’s face, talking.

Robot: Back to Zeus. He came back and cut open Cronus’s stomach and released his fellow gods and set about using his half-angel, half-man strength to become a legend.

Panel 2: This panel takes up most of the page. It should show Zeus and around him, an outline showing a different form, and around him, another form…almost like out into infinity. He should be posed out and look ready to fight.

Caption: Depending on the culture, Zeus takes many names and identities throughout the world. To the Norse, he was Odin. In Rome, Jupiter. Depending on what civilization he appeared to, he took on a different form and sometimes, even a different personality. The rebel angels and their offspring were smart.

Panel 3: Smaller panel showing the faces of several gods, all with the same outlines around them.

Caption: The world wasn’t the small place that it is today. So they all learned to take on other shapes and appearances.

Page 9

Split the page into 4 panels, each showing a different culture. You could even change the illustration style here to reflect each culture, with the Egyptians looking more like hieroglyphics, the Indians looking more flowy, etc.

Panel 1: Egyptians in front of a large pyramid. In the sky behind them are the gods:

Anubis, a jackal headed god.

Ammut, who has the head of a crocodile, the body of a lion, and the legs of a hippopotamus.

Bast, a woman with the features of a black cat.

Caption: From Egypt to…

Panel 2: The many-armed Kali, a beautiful Indian female god has a necklace of skulls and a belt of snakes and severed arms. In each hand, she holds a sword. Next to her is Krishna, a handsome man in pajama style pants and long flowing robes.

Caption: India, where Achilles became Krishna.

Panel 3: A Japanese rising son flag is behind Hachiman, who has his samurai swords drawn.

Caption: In Japan, Ares became the spirit of the samurai, Hachiman.

Panel 4: An Aztec pyramid, with a winged dragon flying above it, the sun just behind it.

Caption: Even in Mexico, Zeus changed his form to become great king Quetzalcoatl.

Page 10

Panel 1: Medium sized panel of Robot talking to Destroyer.

Destroyer: So what happened to all of these gods?

Robot: Once Christianity and technology began to spread, the gods stopped being worshipped and disappeared.

Panel 2: Zeus on a cloud, throwing lightning.

Caption: Soon, these real tales became seen as just folklore. And the angels fell in power and either faded away or reacted in anger.

Panel 3: Robot’s face, explaining.

Robot: Once there were hundreds of gods. Once, each culture needed their own gods. Now that the world is multi-cultural and doesn’t even celebrate these gods, they’ve disappeared to their home, Olympus.

Panel 4: Angry faces crying and screaming, with many floating heads. Kind of like one of those weird Steve Ditko panels.

Caption: Some cultures, though, they still call on the gods for vengeance.

Page 11

Panel 1: Robot grabbing some books off of a shelf.

Robot: I think that this Death King, or whatever, is one of the fallen angels and that he’s amassing an army to destroy this world and bring about the end of time.

Panel 2: Robot reading the book.

Robot: That way, he can be judged by God and stop walking the Earth. Now, I may have my doubts.

Panel 3: Destroyer is stealing things behind Robot’s back as Robot keeps talking.

Robot: I believe in what Descartes wrote. It’s in our best interests to stop this from happening, because God or no God…

Panel 4: Robot is pointing to the hallway.

Robot: Once the Death King escapes the hallway, he’s going to end the world regardless of whether or not I can accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior.

Page 12

Panel 1: Destroyer is rubbing his hands together, excited about the fight that is obviously coming.

Destroyer: Alright, so tell me what to do.

Panel 2: Robot is putting his hand on Destroyer’s back and pointing out the window.

Robot: See all of those asshole zombies?

Panel 3: Outside of the window, we see the zombies. They are falling all over the place and doing random, stupid things. One is on fire. Another is trying to drive a car and has run over several of them. Another is pushing a shopping cart.

Panel 4: From the outside, we see Robot and Destroyer looking out the window.

Destroyer: Yep. I hate those fucking things.

Panel 5: Close up on Robot’s face.

Robot: We’re going to kill every single one of them in sacrifice to Zeus. And then, that fallen angel son of a bitch is going to tell us how to kill death. Pretty simple, huh?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

This pretty much sums it up

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Part 2 in the works. New words, balloons, getting inked.

Doing lots of research for writing part 6. Mythology, religion, heroes journey type shit.

Hopefully, I can turn it into something fun and silly. We'll see.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Here's some art for everyone to see

A quandry, do I post whole pages or just quick clips?

Quick clips. We're not giving away shit for free, lol.

Anyways, here's an update. The first chapter is done. 12 pages. Inked, scanned, lettered, ready for production. 8 pages of chapter 2, penciled and ready to ink. And we got 48 pages an issue to do (plus a cover). It's a long process, but hey, we got day jobs, too. We'd love for this to be the only thing that we do.

That leads me to this. Buy lots of copies when this comes out. Lots. Lots and lots and lots.

Then we can quit our jobs and bring you more of this retarded comic book that we love.

Penciled pages and some ready for print ones...see you all in a bit!

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Adventures of the World’s Angriest Robot Part 6 - Born Too Slow

Page 1
Large splash panel, with the Death King raising his gigantic weapon over his head, about to strike Destroyer with it. Destroyer is still cut in half, and his face is a mix of anger, pain, and slight fear, but we should have the feeling that he has kind of made his peace with getting killed. He is yelling something, so his face can look pretty strained. Robot is leaning against the wall, watching with a kind of bemused glee. There should be a generous amount of zombie gore strewn through the room to give the idea that there has been a major battle over the last few parts.

Destroyer: “Bring it on, you bony fuck.”

Page 2
Panels 1-3 – Death King is swinging his weapon down toward Destroyer. We see the point of view from the bottom, almost as if we, as the viewer, are staring right at the sword coming down toward us.

Panel 4 – Close-up of Destroyer’s face. He should look pretty worried; pretty much imagine how you’d feel to literally stare death in the face and know that the end was here.

Panel 5 – As the weapon meets Destroyer, it passes right through him. Death King is putting everything he has into his attack, so he should appear like he is really doing the kill stroke. Robot is giggling to himself in the corner of the room.

Page 3
Panel 1-3 – Destroyer should have his eyes closed, then open in the next panel, realizing he’s not dead. By the third panel, he should have a better idea of what has happened, but he’s still somewhat confused. He opens his mouth to express his lack of awareness of what is going on.

Destroyer: “Care to explain what is going on?”

Panel 4 – Robot is laughing, as begins to tell us what is happening.

Robot: “Welcome to the five-and-a-half minute hallway. Not only does it connect nearly every reality, but it operates by its own laws.”

Page 4
Panel 1 – Robot is pointing at Death King, who is swinging is weapon wildly and freaking out.

Robot: “Since we came in three minutes before this guy, he exists three minutes before us. We can see him, he can see us. But we’re all ghosts. And now, we have a three minute head start on him.”

Panel 2 – Destroyer is yelling, angry and even more confused now.

Destroyer: “That doesn’t even make any sense at all, ever.”

Panel 3-4 – Robot is speaking, using his hands to illustrate his point, drawing a straight line with his fingers in the air.

Robot: “It’s simple. No matter how slow or fast you walk, this hallway always takes exactly 330 seconds to walk through. And we’re currently 180 seconds ahead of this personification of death.”

Panel 5 – Death King is screaming, incredulous at this turn of events.

Death King: “I agree, this makes absolutely no sense. But I swear, I will kill you both…”

Page 5
Panel 1 – Robot is tossing Destroyer a bottle of whiskey from the alternate dimension that he just ran through. As the bottle flies through the air, we notice it looks similar to a Jack Daniel’s bottle, but the logo is a combination of a rebel flag and a Nazi flag, with an eagle holding lightning in its hands above the flag.

Robot: “Do what you do best. Drink up.”

Panel 2 – Destroyer catches the bottle. He looks pretty weak and needing a drink.

Destroyer: “You had to get me whiskey from an evil empire?”

Panel 3 – Robot is creating a hologram in the air with his eyes. He’s scanning the numerous realities that make up the hallway. We can read some of them:

Reality Code Difference from Prime Reality
1.20.23 Johnny Carson 38th President of United States
3.21.99 Pepsi never invented
9.88.00 Cavemen still exist
3.11.01 John Lennon survives
2.40.04 Planet X
8.77.11 Plain of Idavoll
19.20.5 Tommy Westphall’s living room

Robot: “It was all I could find at the time. That said, it’s one of the few realities where you can find 290 proof alcohol.”

Panel 4 – Destroyer is chugging the whiskey, which is pouring all over his mask and chest. He’s making an absolute mess of things.


Panel 5 – Robot selects one of the options and a door starts glowing.

Robot: “Knit your spine together and let’s get the fuck out of here before asshole here shows up.”

Page 6
Panel 1 – Destroyer is holding his spinal cord together with his hands. We can see that more of his guts, for lack of a better word, have started to grow back due to the alcohol activating his super powers. This, however, is extremely painful.

Destroyer: “FUCK!”

Panel 2 – Destroyer looks down and notices that he has put his legs on backwards. His ass is now where his crotch should be. He looks completely infuriated.

Destroyer: “MAN! FUCK!”

Panel 3 – Robot almost falls over laughing, just doubled over in hysterics.

Robot: “Oh, now I have seen it all. That’s the fucking topper.”

Panel 4 – Destroyer is ripping his spinal column back in half, screaming as he does it.

Destroyer: “You know, ARRRGRGGGGHHH, the humor here is lost on, ARGRGGGGG, me…”

Panel 5 – Robot is pointing his fingertip, which is glowing, at Destroyer. We see both of them in this panel.

Destroyer: “Aw, man, thanks, this does need cauterized.”

Robot: “This isn’t a laser. It’s my digital camera finger.”


Page 7
Panel 1 – Robot is yelling back at him, but still laughing.

Robot: “Can you stand up now, baby? Is your widdle spine all fixed?”

Panel 2-4 – Destroyer tries to stand up and throw a punch, but he’s still paralyzed from the waist down, as the nerves have not fully healed yet. He collapses in a pile.

Panel 5 – Robot is staring at Destroyer, lying face down on the ground.

Destroyer: “Get your laughs now, Gort.”

Page 8
Panel 1 – Robot throws Destroyer over his shoulder, as Destroyer is yelling at him. He’s just about raving now he’s so angry.

Destroyer: “When these legs work again, this foot and your metal ass are gonna teleconference!”

Panel 2 – They walk right through Death King, as if he were a ghost.

Panel 3 – Death King has totally lost it, shouting threats and spewing venom.

Death King: “These are the hands that strangled Odizeun’s final gasps. And I take oath now, they will do the same to both of you.”

Panel 4 – Robot sneaks up behind Death King’s ear.

Robot: “I don’t breathe. I’m a robot. A robot who thinks you’re fucking pedantic.”

Page 9
Panel 1 – Robot opens the glowing door slightly.

Panel 2 – But instead of entering it, he enters a door further down the hallway.

Panel 3 – 180 seconds later, Death King shows up for real, not just his past time projection, in the hallway. He scans the hallway, swinging his weapon wildly, shattering doors. He sees the glowing door.

Panel 4 – Death King walks confidently through the growing door.

Page 10
A full page here, which should be a combination of the Ditko Dr. Strange dimensional look with Kirby’s New Gods/late Thor photomontages. Just a mix of planets, shapes, energy – what you would imagine the doorway between dimensions and planes of reality to look like. I’m even thinking of some strange animals swimming through the timestream, just pure surrealism. Robot and Destroyer are floating through. Robot looks confident, as he has done this many times before and is almost floating, while Destroyer looks scared shitless. He looks like his world is falling apart all around him, which, to tell the truth it is.

Destroyer: “AHHH! AHHH!”

Robot: “Calm down. It’s just the space between time. Not a big deal.”

Destroyer: “There’s a fucking fish skeleton floating and staring at me. IT’S STARING RIGHT AT ME!”

Robot: “You have to just free your mind when surfing reality.”

Destroyer: “I’m about to free a dump in my fucking pants if this shit keeps up.”

Robot: “Am I going to have to get my digital camera?”

Page 11
Panel 1 – Destroyer is calming down, now floating a bit easier through the ether of reality.

Destroyer: “Focus. Focus. Dude, umm…where is that death guy?”

Panel 2 – Robot is plotting a course on his hologram screen.

Robot: “The dead love shiny things. I banked on that.”

Panel 3 – 329 dimensions away, we see Death King coming through the doorway.

Panel 4 – And suddenly, he is in another reality filled with cartoon characters. They should be cute, cuddly, and singing. Rabbits, cats, dogs, all with human characteristics like a Warner Brothers cartoon.

Sung by characters: “Where have you gone again my sweet? Everybody wants to know.”

Panel 5 – Death King slices one of their heads off, laughing.

Page 12
Panel 1 – The cartoon character reaches down and puts his head back on and starts singing, dancing, and laughing again.

Character singing: “I'm just a ghost, I’m on your street. Waitin', when you comin' home?”

Panel 2 – Death King spins to head back for the doorway.

Panel 3 – But as he turns, he notices that a big cartoon cat has devoured the door, stranding him.

Panel 4 – Death King is screaming in frustration.

Death King: “EVERYONE DIES!”

Panel 5 – Destroyer is laughing as he floats through the reality stream.

Destroyer: “Har har har, you sent him to a cartoon world? Well, where are we going, anyways?”

Panel 6 – Close-up of Robot’s face.

Robot: “We’re going to visit the gods.”

Monday, May 01, 2006

Adventures of the World’s Angriest Robot Part 5 – Eight Times Over Miss October

Page 1
Panel 1 – Focal panel of the Death King standing over the fallen Destroyer. Blood and guts everywhere, as Destroyer is crawling away from him. One of his hands is trying to stuff his intestines back inside of his body.

Down the right side of the page, we’ll have four panels, with some space for the title and credits.

Right panel 1 – The Robot is fighting his way back into the room, with zombies hanging all over him.

Right panel 2 – The Death King is lifting his weapon high above his head, obviously with the intent of delivering the killer blow.

Right panel 3 – A shot of Destroyer’s face, with a shadow of Death King looming down on him, obviously making a slash toward his neck to behead him.

Right panel 4 – Death King is swinging his weapon at Destroyer.

Page 2
Panel 1 – Destroyer’s eyes are closed. He’s obviously making his peace with whatever maker he has.

Panel 2 – Destroyer is being pulled violently backwards as the weapon crashed into the ground in a shower of sparks. Destroyer’s face is surprised.

Panel 3 – Destroyer looking freaked out.

Destroyer: “What the…”

Panel 4 – Robot is pulling Destroyer by his spinal cord away from the Death King. Destroyer is in great pain, now that he realizes what is happening.

Destroyer: “ARRRRHHHHHHH!”

Panel 5 – Death King’s angry face, obviously displeased by what is happening.

Panel 6 – Robot runs out of the room. Destroyer is screaming at him.

Destroyer: “You forgot my fucking legs!”

Page 3
Panel 1 – Robot is yelling back at Destroyer.

Robot: “I’m sorry, I was a bit more concerned about the fucking embodiment of death killing you.”

Panel 2 – Destroyer is yelling right back at him.

Destroyer: “I’m not going through my life without my lower half. Turn around.”

Panel 3 – Robot turns his head and is screaming.

Robot: “No. We’re going to get to somewhere normal and figure out how to get these zombies out of my house.”

Panel 4 – Destroyer is holding the ground with his hands.

Destroyer: “Yes. We’re going to go get my legs.”

Panel 5 – Robot looks frustrated.

Robot: “No.”

Panel 6 – Destroyer is screaming.

Destroyer: “Look, you may be asexual, but I’m not. My cock is back in that room and right now, a zombie might be feasting on it. So turn it the fuck around, Tranzor Z.”

Page 4
Panel 1 – We see Robot running the upper torso of Destroyer back into the room, scrambling like a maniac. Zombies are getting ready to eat Destroyer’s legs.

Robot: “Remind me why I’m doing this?”

Destroyer: “Because you want the cock, robo-mo. Hey, you undead fucks! Get away from my legs!”

Panel 2 – Death King is swinging his weapon around, narrowly missing Robot and Destroyer.

Panel 3 – Destroyer grabs his legs.

Destroyer: “Let’s go! Let’s go!”

Panel 4 – A huge group of zombies, followed by the Death King, starts to chase them.

Panel 5 – Robot lifts up Destroyer and jumps through a door, splintering wood all over the hallway.

Page 5
Panel 1 – Robot is running down a hallway, carrying what’s left of Destroyer, who is frantically trying to hold onto his legs.

Destroyer: “Run, run, run! Forget about opening that door! Don’t you have super speed or something?”

Panel 2 – Robot is in motion, opening a door, and then continuing to run. This could be drawn as a Flash-like effect of multiple bodies moving to show speed. This could be done throughout this page, unless we close up on a face, to show speed (and depending on how much you feel like drawing).

Robot: “I’m running at 68 kilometers per hour. That should do.”

Panel 3 – Destroyer is laughing.

Destroyer: “Of course you use metric. I should have known.”

Panel 4 – This should be a long, horizontal panel that splits the page in half. Robot is running hard through the hallway. Through doors, we can see into other worlds inside the doors, including a jungle, outer space, a pyramid being built by workers…just go crazy, as this hallway should appear to be able to lead to anywhere.

Robot: “Oh, I’m sorry, just because the US doesn’t keep up with the rest of the world…”

Panel 5 – Robot runs past a window that has mermaids swimming up to it.

Destroyer: “Where the hell are we?”

Panel 6 – We see the zombies starting to shamble through the hallway.

Panel 7 – They walk near the door that Robot opened earlier.

Panel 8 – Through the doorway, we see a western style Native America scene.

Page 6

Panel 1 – A big action panel, as several Apache braves jump out of the doorway, hollering and screaming. They should be painted and carrying appropriate weaponry. Some have tomahawks, while others are firing arrows.

Panel 2 – Another big action panel. You might consider splitting the page into three panels, with each panel of equal size. In this panel, the Apache are just ripping the zombies to shreds, scalping them, slicing off their heads.

Panel 3 – The zombies are in pieces, defeated, and we see the last Apache closing the door behind himself.

Apache: “Silver Face’s home must always be respected.”

Page 7

Panel 1 – The Robot is carrying Destroyer down the hallway. He is explaining what is going on, as best as he can.

Robot: “My house is the big tree at the center of all things. And this hallway is the root that runs through all of it, connecting every world and reality with a door, window, or opening.”

Panel 2 – Robot’s face as he talks.

Robot: “It started as a haunted house. And it just kind of grew from there.”

Panel 3 – Robot continues to run, carrying Destroyer.

Robot: “It just keeps on growing, with me and my house at the center of it.”

Panel 4 – Destroyer is getting woozy.

Destroyer: “We need to get me some whiskey before I bleed out. You stopped making sense at the words my house.”

Panel 5 – Robot is pondering as he drops Destroyer to the floor.

Robot: “Now that I’ve had some time to think, I don’t blame you for any of this.”

Page 8

Panel 1 – Destroyer thuds as he falls to the floor.

Destroyer: “AARRGGGGGG! What the…it’s not my fault anymore?”

Panel 2 – Robot is stepping inside a doorway. We can see that it’s Germany during World War 2, with bombs falling and explosions everywhere.

Robot: “It’s no coincidence those zombies at in the house. Be right back.”

Panel 3 – Destroyer is slumped on the floor, trying to get his spine to fuse back together so that his top half and bottom half grow back together.

Destroyer: “Never had this happen before.”

Page 9

Panel 1 – The Death King makes a grand entrance, weapon drawn.

Death King: “He’s right, you know.”

Panel 2 – A horizontal panel that shows Death King and Destroyer are about twenty feet apart. Death King is stalking toward Destroyer.

Death King: “This house is at the center of all things.”

Panel 3-5 – Death King’s face gets closer and closer.

Death King: “The gods believed in Yggdrasil, the world tree. This house is more. It is the tree whose skein holds every universe together. Without this house, there is no life, anywhere.”

Panel 6 – Another horizontal panel that shows just how much closer Death King is to Destroyer.

Death King: “I have killed the gods and it was just not enough.”

Page 10

I’m thinking that this page should have a huge shot of Death King, not in panel but on his own, really over the top and screaming these operatic villain lines. Go crazy making him look completely insane.

Death King: “Every world, every being, every atom has it’s roots here in this house. At this hallway, at the center of it. This is where blessed nothingness will find it’s ebon root. Here, at the beginning and end of it all.”

Small panel near the bottom of the page of Destroyer, looking out of it

Destroyer: “It may be the blood loss, but that makes no fucking sense.”

Page 11

Panel 1 – The door opens and Robot is coming out of the other side, firing a Luger into a crowd of Nazi soldiers and holding a bottle of whiskey with a Swastika and eagle on the label.

Robot: “And that’s not the first Hitler I’ve killed, either! So there!”

Panel 2 – Robot swivels his head to notice Death King.

Robot: “Oh, it’s you.”

Panel 3 – Death King speaks to Robot.

Death King: “My quarrel is not with you, soulless beast. I must end his life, as I pledged. And then, I end reality.”

Panel 4 – Robot screaming.

Robot: “Oh, just shut the fuck up and kill him already.”

Page 12

Panel 1 – Destroyer looks incredulous.

Destroyer: “What?!?”

Panel 2 – Robot is laughing.

Robot: “Somewhere back there in the reality where the Nazis won the Civil War, I decided that gimpy here is holding me back. Just get it over with.”

Panel 3 – Death King is lifting his weapon. He is about five feet from Destroyer.

Death King: “So be it.”

Panel 4 – Destroyer’s face, looking worried. He is screaming his last words at Robot.

Destroyer: “You’re not allowed to speak at my memorial service, you fucking shit.”

Panel 5 – Robot is laughing.

Robot: “You seem to think anyone would care enough to have one for you.”

Panel 6 – The weapon is coming right for Destroyer, again, just like in the beginning.

Destroyer: “I’m gonna rise from the grave and shit all over you. Zombie shit. I swear this on my soon to be ended life. Zombie shit.”